Dr. Jacek Majorowicz- Northern Geothermal

Recent publications related to Canadian Geothermal Energy

Gosnold, Majorowicz, Klenner, 2011, Implications of Post-Glacial Warming for Northern Hemisphere Heat Flow, GRC Transactions, Vol. 35, p.795-800, 2011). (Peered reviewed Transactions)

Geothermal energy resource potential of Canada; Grasby, S E; Allen, D M; Chen, Z; Ferguson, G; Jessop, A; Kelman, M; Ko, M; Majorowicz, J; Moore, M; Raymond, J; Therrien, R. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6914, 2011; 322 pages
Majorowicz, J A, Grasby,S., 2010, Heat flow, depth–temperature variations and stored thermal energy for enhanced geothermal systems in Canada, J. Geophys. Eng. 7 (2010) 1–10

Majorowicz, J A, Grasby, S., 2010, High Potential Regions for Enhanced Geothermal
Systems in Canada, Natural Resources Research DOI: 10.1007/s11053-010-9119-8

Majorowicz, J A, Grasby, S, Skinner, W, 2009, Estimation of shallow geothermal energy resource in Canada – Heat gain and heat sink, Natural Resources Research , Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s11053-009-9090-4 (ESS Cont.# 20080659)

Majorowicz, J. and. Moore, M. C., 2008, Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Potential in the Alberta Basin. ISEEE Research Paper, University of Calgary

Majorowicz JA, Unsworth M, Chacko,T, Gray A, Heaman L, Potter D, Schmitt D and Babadagli T, 2012, Geothermal energy as a source of heat for oilsands processing in northern Alberta, Canada,Chapter 27 in: Heavy Oil/Bitumen Petroleum Systems in Alberta and Beyond, co-edited by F. J. Hein, D. Leckie, J. Suter and S. Larter, AAPG Mem, Chapter 27, 22pp.

Feature publications

Majorowicz J A, Garven, G,. Jessop,A S, and Jessop,C, 1999, Present Heat Flow Across the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: The Extent of Hydrodynamic Influence, in: Geothermics in Basin Analysis, Foerster, A., and Merriam, D.F., (Edtors), p.61-80, Kluver Academic, Plenum Publishers, New York.

Majorowicz, J A, and Osadetz, K G, 2001, Gas Hydrate Distribution and Volume in Canada, AAPG Bulletin, v. 85, no. 7, p. 1211-1230; DOI: 0.1306/8626CA9B-173B-11D7-8645000102C1865D

Majorowicz, J A, Safanda, J, and Skinner, W R, 2002, East To West Retardation in The Onset Of The Recent Warming Across Canada Inferred From Inversions Of Temperature Logs, Journal of Geophysical Research (V. 107, B10)

Majorowicz, J A, Safanda, J and Skinner,W R, 2004, Past Surface Temperature Changes as Derived from Continental Temperature Logs-Canadian and Some Global Examples of Application of the New Tool in Climate Change Studies, Advances in Geophysics, Ed. R. Dmowska, v. 47, p. 114-169.

Majorowicz, J and Wybraniec, S, 2010, New terrestrial heat flow map of Europe after regional paleoclimatic correction application, Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geol Rundsch) DOI 10.1007/s00531-010-0526-1

Majorowicz, J, Skinner, W., Safanda, J, 2012 Canadian Sedimentary Basin temperature--depth transients from repeated well logs---evidence of recent decade sub-surface heat gain due to climatic warming, J. Geophys. Eng. 9 (2012) 127-137